Saturday, November 22, 2014

Butter vs. Margarine.....

It's been a while again, and I apologize. Busy busy here!! C reminded me of this story a couple weeks ago and I KNEW y'all would love it!

Once again, I was getting dressed, showering, making beds or doing laundry and the kids were out of my sight. They were quiet. YES, I know.....that's the first thing they teach you at childbirth class, when the kids are quiet, be alarmed. be VERY alarmed. AND once again, that warning I was paying no mind to as I had things i needed to get done.

All of a sudden I hear peals of laughter. The kind of laughter that ALWAYS makes you smile and want to laugh along. It was coming from downstairs. ALL 3 kids were laughing. Big from-the-belly laughter. My heart was singing. It was a wonderful sound. And then, warning bells went off in my mind. Uh oh. I knew they were up to something......

I made my way downstairs to the continuing sound of laughter and squeals of delight. As I hit the bottom step, out of the corner of my eye I see one of the boys go flying by in the kitchen. What???

I head to the kitchen. The sight I see shocks me to my feet. I stand there with my mouth wide open struggling to find words.

There's Bonnie sitting on a chair in the corner, squealing with laughter, still in her little footie jammies, watching her brothers.

There's Clyde, no pants on, no socks on and laughing. There's C with no pants or socks on, laughing. BOTH boys are covered head to toe in margarine. The floor is covered in margarine about a 1/4 inch deep. They are sliding back and forth across the floor like its an ice rink. Oh. My. God. They don't even notice me standing there and take off for another slide, and Bonnie squeals with more laughter, clapping her little hands at the show her brothers are putting on for her.

All I could think, was how was I going to clean up THIS mess??? A wildlife federation commercial flashes through my mind where they were cleaning animals with Dawn dish soap after an oil spill. My next thought was HOW was i going to get to the sink and the children out of there with out tracking that country crock margarine everywhere???


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