Monday, May 21, 2012

The Challenge

So, I have been challenged. Challenged to write a blog. I just spent the past weekend with an amazing group of 36 moms. We all have children with a rare seizure disorder. We converged on the city of Indianapolis for a weekend of rest? right. relaxation? right. More like a LOT of talking, hugging, crying, sharing, drinking, eating, dancing, more hugging, more crying, more sharing.  Some went to the art museum, some got massages, some (including myself) got tattoos. But, ALL connected and left with a renewed sense of family. You see, family isn't necessarily what you're BORN into.....its what you create. It's the people that you make deep connections with. People you never forget. 
SO, why did they challenge me to this blog??  I guess I'm one of those people they will never forget. I am pretty sure it has nothing to do with my looks, my pocket book, my income, or even that i was an "ink virgin" til last Friday. No. Some say I'm a natural born story teller. Some just love the antics of my kids. Oh, did i mention that there are 3 of them??  Did I mention that two of them have that rare seizure disorder? I guess not....well, in actuality, i just did! So, Lisa, Jennifer, Dina, Katie, & the other 2012 Tiger Mommas, this blog is for you! :)

To anyone else that happens by, enjoy for this is also for you. For any momma.....any parent that has glorified in their children's triumphs, but tell the stories of their antics instead. 

welcome to my blog,


  1. Love it!!!! Great job Candace... Will look forward to reading your blog!!!!
    Marcia K

  2. You crack me up every time we talk, text, or ya

  3. Baking soda = Poof! Love those stories! Can't wait to read more!!

  4. Glad I now have a place to come a laugh when I'm ready to kill someone locally. Ha ha.

  5. Awesome!! I am looking forward to laughing! You are the best Candace!
